Unified Delivery with Norden
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Unified Delivery with Norden

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Article summary

Unified Delivery with Norden utilizes the same core schema as Unified Delivery with the addition of custom features, given the nature of the flexibility designed with the Norden Tag.

HEMHashed email associated with the tag fire, sha256
FIRST_NAMEFirst name of the matched record
LAST_NAMELast name of the matched record (family name, surname)
BUSINESS_EMAILBusiness email attributed to the record and visit
MOBILE_PHONEMobile number associated with the record, run against FCC portability data (to be used for matching purposes only)
LINKEDIN_URLLinkedIn URL for the record
PERSONAL_CITYPersonal address city
PERSONAL_STATEPersonal address state
PERSONAL_ZIPPersonal address zip
PERSONAL_ZIP4Plus 4 extension of PERSONAL_ZIP.  Does not include PERSONAL_ZIP
PERSONAL_EMAILThe most observed personal email and match for visit
GENDERGender of record (M/F/U)
AGE_RANGEAge range of record
MARRIEDDetermination if the record is married (Y/N)
INCOME_RANGEIncome range of record
NET_WORTHEstimate of a households total financial assets minus liabilities. Assets include financial holdings such as deposit accounts, investments, and home value. Liabilities include loans, mortgages, and credit card debt.
HOMEOWNERProbabilistic and deterministic data set to capture home ownership (Y/N/P)
JOB_TITLEJob title
SENIORITY_LEVELModeled Seniority based on Job Title (CXO, VP, Director, Manager, or Staff)
DEPARTMENTModeled Department based on Job Title.
PROFESSIONAL_ADDRESS_2Business address 2
PROFESSIONAL_CITYBusiness address city
PROFESSIONAL_STATEBusiness address state
PROFESSIONAL_ZIPBusiness address zip
COMPANY_NAMECompany name associated with the current job title
COMPANY_DOMAINCompany domain associated with the company name and business email
COMPANY_PHONEComma separated array of phone numbers associated with the company
COMPANY_SICSemicolon separated array of SIC codes associated with the company
COMPANY_ADDRESSCompany address
COMPANY_CITYCompany address city
COMPANY_STATECompany address state
COMPANY_ZIPCompany address zip
COMPANY_REVENUERevenue range of company
COMPANY_EMPLOYEE_COUNTRange of employees based on observed employees
PRIMARY_INDUSTRYPrimary industry associated with the company, mapped to LinkedIn industries
BUSINESS_EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUSValid is included if the email has been validated by email service provider or null if validation is unavailable
BUSINESS_EMAIL_LAST_SEENUnix timestamp of the last activity signal
PERSONAL_EMAIL_VALIDATION_STATUSValid is included if the email has been validated by email service provider or null if validation is unavailable
PERSONAL_EMAIL_LAST_SEENUnix timestamp of the last activity signal
LAST_UPDATEDDate the record was last updated
EVENT_DATETimestamp (Date/Time) of the tag fire to the millisecond in UTC
IP_ADDRESSIP address associated with the tag fire
PARTNER_IDPID provisioned by Agency from the tag (feature is an aggregate of all PIDs associated the the Agency)
AGENCY_IDAID provisioned by The Prospect Desk for Agency
JSON_HEADERSJSON Header from the tag fire
EXTERNAL_IDPass through of values provided through the tag implementation (this implementation is optional, though the schema is built to maintain consistency)
REF_URLReference URL of the tag fire; page of tag fire
REFERER_URLURL visited prior to the tag fire (when available)
MATCH_TYPEThe designation of the type of match for the record.  Business, personal, or email.
VARIABLESPassthrough array of variables included in the tag fire.  This includes any specific columns defined within the schema

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